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Spiritual Counseling *

Get “unstuck”, release life patterns (thoughts, beliefs, emotions, experiences) which no longer serve you; move into mindfulness;find inner peace; connect to the source of Well-Being; answer the inner voice that asks “ Is that all there is?”.  Using a one to one, goal oriented approach, we will work through blocks, fears, and resistance to the free flow of healing energy, enabling you to create a stronger relationship to Spirit and Self. 

Reiki Treatment *

Reiki is a gentle, therapeutic, complementary care modality designed to reduce stress, facilitate healing and promote well-being. Individual treatments and couples Reiki are offered at Abundance.

Guided Meditation *

Guided meditations for individual or groups, may be combined with reiki treatment and/or spiritual counseling

Spirituality Circles **

Dedicated to restoring balance to the historical pattern of patriarchy in most current religious traditions, this circle, which meets monthly, offers women the opportunity to explore their own relationships to spirit through readings, discussion, sharing, meditation, and reiki, all while honoring the Sacred Feminine.

   *  by appointment

 **  monthly, call for dates.

Chakra Clearing *

Release the “issues in your tissues” on a physical level; become mindful of and release old negative patterns on the emotional and mental level; and open to new positive energy which nurtures and supports you on your spiritual path.

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